Anger is a strong emotion that may occasionally swell like a tidal wave and unexpectedly overtakes a person. It is something that every person does go through one time or the other to do with themselves and their lives but it becomes a problem, what happens next? To some extent, anger turns into a monster in a person’s life and destroys everything in its path. But when one thinks outside the box, wouldn’t it be better to be able to transform this force for it to work for the greater good? In this blog post, I shall be looking at what the emotion – anger is and the reason behind it being part of us. We will first discuss the fate that befalls an individual who fails to control anger and explore ways that will enable a person to regain control. Moreover, we will also pay attention to how anger management counseling Melbourne is helpful in changing frustration to constructive action. Ready to take charge? Let’s get started!

Understanding Anger: What is it and why do we experience it?

This paper defines anger as one of the most universal of human emotions which is elicited by threats or perceived unfairness. It may occur due to frustration, disappointment or perceived disrespect. This sparks a primal reaction, and it sends signals to the organs either to fight something, or flee from something. Physiologically anger readies the body for aggression. Pulse rate rises, adrenalin flows, and muscles are ready to contract to achieve a quick positive reaction. However, though this is an evolutionary advantage, anger without bounds is sheer anarchy.

Anger function psychologically as a signal. It draws attention to the things we still have to deal with and the lacks which have not been filled. However instead of solving these fundamental issues directly, most go to hospital or allow their emotions to turn into rages. Knowing why we get this strong feeling is the key to our development. In other words, what happens in ourselves helps in understanding patterns that would be helpful in the control of emotional responses to issues chances in life.

Negative Effects of Uncontrolled Anger

Anger is fine but when this gets out of hand it has a way of affecting the mental and physical health of individuals. Having said that, it’s important to note that stress and emotional responses have a very close link; when the latter gets out of hand, so does the former. This constant can result in anxiety and even depression. Even relationships are not spared as they tend to deteriorate considerably. Saying or doing something spiteful in the heat of anger leads to the collapse of friendships, families and relationships. Anger always leads to confusion and distrust in communication especially when it comes to decision making.

The body suffers here too physically. Anger can lead to high blood pressure and also enhances possibility of heart disease in case it is not controlled. The toll is not just emotional; the latter is exhibited in actual physical sickness. Organizations also do not escape the reach of organizational values. Grr! an angry outburst is most likely to demoralize those in a group as well as slow down the flow of work. That it creates a hostile environment that leads to down thee creativity and innovation. Anger when not regulated leads to a cycle that is very difficult to break, and people feel like no one understands them.

Approaches to Managing and Controlling Anger

There are various measures involved in the management of anger. That is why one of the most widely used approaches is mindfulness. Cognitive characteristic – mindfulness allows people to become witnesses to their feelings with the help of their thoughts and prevents hasty actions. Breathing exercises are also helpful, which calm the nervous system. Cognitive-behavioral techniques emphasize the realm of thinking. Helping people to confront negativity in their head enables them understand things in a better way and reduce frustrations. Physical activity is very useful in playing out excess energy. They found out that exercising such as jogging, Yoga or even dancing aids in the releasing of stress.

The other one includes the approach of communication skills. Knowing how to assert feelings without aggression is helpful in avoiding aggravations and fights. Canvassing presents one with an opportunity to open a diary. The act of writing down ideas can be helpful and allow for an opportunity to think through information without reacting strongly to another person at the time that the thoughts are identified. As much as the anger management counselling is mainly targeted at personnel giving out anger to others most and or getting angered by other people, it is so beneficial in achieving the following.

Anger management counseling provides a set of methods that help deal with anger and control feelings associated with this emotion. It gives people ways to understand situations, and how to handle these situations better. This form of therapy helps one to focus on what to do when they get angry, and where the anger is coming from. Clients get an opportunity to familiarize themselves with different skills that enable management of their feelings during the guided sessions. These can involve stress reducing techniques such as meditation, techniques derived from cognitive behavioral therapy, and relationship skills that foster more effective communication. In the long run, the techniques enable individuals to develop a shield against specific difficult emotions.

Furthermore, taking sessions in counselling increases relationship. It also tends that as people learn how to communicate better, they begin to pay more attention to improving such relationships. So, the communication of feelings without anger proves to be helpful in increasing the overall understanding between friends and family members. Counseling would improve anger management and thereby increase incidences of wellbeing amongst clients. As people replace pathological behaviors with productive activities, the level of stress and related symptoms tends to decrease. Accepting this process not only regained their strength to face the problem but also to change it for the better.