Many factors influence how a baby feels about cognitive heart disease at birth.  There can be many factors and few of them are mentioned below.

Type of Defect

A baby may have quite unfamiliar feelings about a congenital heart defect that needs to be repaired once or need multiple surgeries and regular medical treatment.

Age of Child at Diagnosis of Heart Attack

An infant diagnosed with a developing heart disease at birth may adapt differently than an infant who develops a heart attack in adulthood after leading a healthy life.

Multiple Hospitalizations

Children who require multiple tests and diagnostic procedures, surgery, and other hospitalizations may experience anger, fear, rage, or withdrawal.

Your Child’s Age

Young children may have difficulty understanding their disease and may misinterpret the reasons for tests and surgery.  Older children can better understand the information needed for illness and healing.

The Child’s Ability and Courage to Handle

Some children handle it compared to some other children. Some children may be more agitated than others.

When a child is born with coronary heart disease, the parents often have serious problems with their mental and emotional health.  These issues can occur soon after birth, few weeks after birth or at any time during a baby’s life.  Caring for a baby with hear disease is not something simple. It can be very stressful and also can cause parents to develop depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues.  If you feel any of these and don’t know where to turn, your pediatrician can help you get the help you require.  Just ask for help. Parents with children who have heart disorders will need to have some training.

When caring for a child with severe heart disease, your doctor may recommend automatic defibrillators for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and community emergency cardiac training.  If you do not know where to look for this training, your pediatrician can help you find these important resources.

You should maintain a strong relationship with your pediatrician and also learn more about the condition your baby has. If your pediatrician does not list what you have, ask him.  Doctors, nurses, social workers and other members of the health care team can provide guidance and recommendations for coping with the many emotions associated with chronic illness. They can also recommend community services and local support groups.

Local support groups are made up of children with cognitive heart disease and their families.  Ask about appointments, excursions, and parties for children and their families.  It often helps to talk to others in your situation and your child to experience activities with others like him or her.  Your child’s cardiologist can provide additional information about a team near you.

Be sure to visit special camps set up to help children with cognitive heart conditions communicate and have fun.  Many of the volunteer counselors, nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, and other medical professionals in these camps have fun with the children in the camps and can also cater to the special needs of children with cognitive disabilities.