Ageing cannot be stopped but you can definitely slow down its effects on your skin. Your skincare needs to change as you age and you need to take a more comprehensive approach to maintain the radiance in your complexion.

It is important that you understand the process of ageing and how that affects your skin.

There are many factors that affect changes in your skin texture and appearance. Production of elastic and collagen will decrease which can lead to a loss of elasticity and firmness in your skin. Natural oil production will also reduce which will lead to your skin becoming more fragile and dry. Sun exposure has a cumulative effect on your skin as well. Also, lifestyle factors and genetics will have a big impact on how your skin ages over time. When creating an anti-ageing skincare routine, you have to consider what the primary concerns are with ageing skin and which ingredients can target these issues. You can start with a gentle cleanser so that excess oil, makeup and impurities can be removed without stripping the skin of its natural moisture. You can look for cleansers that have hydrating ingredients such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid. You can also exfoliate from time to time so that it promotes faster cell turnover. This will lead to more youthful looking skin. Some of the chemical exfoliants you can choose are alpha hydroxyl acids and beta hydroxyl acids. These can diminish fine lines and wrinkles. You will see an improvement in your overall skin tone and texture with time.

As ageing skin tends to become drier,

You need to have a rich moisturiser that has hydrating ingredients like shea butter, glycerine and squalene so that the lost moisture can be replenished. These ingredients will also strengthen to skin barrier and restore its elasticity. You can include targeted treatments in the routine such as anti-aging serums Australia and other products that can address wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots and loss of firmness. You can look for creams or serums that have ingredients such as vitamin C, retinoids, peptides and niacinamide so that collagen production is stimulated. These ingredients can also help improve skin texture and fade pigmentation.


It is also very important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

This will help prevent premature ageing and maintain the health of your skin. You can use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has a high SPF. You need to reapply this every two hours when you are out in sunlight. You can also use antioxidant rich skincare products so that there is more protection against environmental damage that free radicals can cause. Your skincare routine can be customised according to the needs of your skin. For example, if you have sensitive or dry skin, you need to use hydrating formulas that don’t have any potential irritants like fragrances and harsh chemicals. This requires products that are non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic. If you have oily or acne-prone skin you can use non-comedogenic lightweight products so that they don’t clog pores.