The breakdown of food and drink into the essential nutrients that the body can absorb is one of the digestive system’s key jobs. Your teeth, which are a component of your digestive system, are one of the numerous structures that are directly impacted by the vitamins and minerals taken in by the body.

Dental health is important for overall wellbeing as well. It’s essential that you take these mineral and vitamins and visit dentist Collingwood regularly, if you are living in Collingwood. It literally means that you have to visit your local dentist regularly. The following are some of the most popular vitamins and minerals and their effects on teeth:


Since calcium is a mineral that benefits your bones and teeth. Calcium contributes to the enamel’s strength even though enamel which is separate from bone makes up your teeth. Additionally, calcium contributes to the development of the jawbone, which supports your teeth. Dairy items including milk, cheese, and yogurt as well as broccoli and salmon are good sources of calcium.


Together with calcium, the mineral phosphorus helps to support healthy bones and teeth. Phosphorus is one of the most prevalent minerals in the human body, and the majority of it is located in your teeth. Eating seafood, soybeans, lentils, cattle, pork, and cheese will give you phosphorus.


Potassium stops bone deterioration by balancing your blood. Calcium may be diverted from the bones to other parts of the body when the pH of your blood gets excessively acidic. As a result, the bone mass decreases, which may eventually result in structural alterations and even, tooth loss. Bananas are one of the best sources of potassium, but it’s also present in beans, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, avocados, and prunes.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A encourages speedier healing and prevents dry mouth, both of which are beneficial for soft tissue health. Leafy greens, fruits and vegetables with orange skin, egg yolks and liver are all good sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports the health of soft tissues and can guard against gingivitis. Vitamin C helps to keep your teeth firmly rooted in place by encouraging healthy gums. The most popular source of vitamin C is citrus fruit, although it can also be found in potatoes and leafy green vegetables.

Vitamin D

The body uses vitamin D to absorb calcium from the small intestine and transport it to the blood. Because of this, how much vitamin D you take has a direct impact on how much calcium your body can absorb. You must make sure you are getting enough vitamin D if you want to make sure you are getting enough calcium to maintain the health of your bones and teeth.  Sunlight, canned tuna, leafy greens, and vitamin D pills are all sources of vitamin D.

Vitamin K

By generating osteocalcin, a protein that strengthens bones, vitamin K helps to protect bone tissue. By preventing the molecules that break down bone tissue, it also protects bone mass. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, parsley, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are good sources of vitamin K.